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Probation Violations

When alleged to have violated the terms of your probation you need to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney now, as a probation violation could affect your stayed criminal sentence.

If you contact attorney Paul Johnson in time, he can work with your probation officer to try and minimize the fall-out you will face because of a probation violation. Whether on state or federal probation, you may have the possibility to work out any misunderstandings. Located in Dallas, Texas, the Law Offices of Paul Johnson defends people charged with state and federal probation violation.

People on probation face a variety of conditions to which they must obey. The State must prove you violated the terms of your probation, by clear and convincing evidence. This is quite a bit lower standard than beyond a reasonable doubt. Occasionally the State will drop the probation violation charge after Paul Johnson has spoken with them about your violation.

If the court finds you to be in violation of the terms of your probation, they can impose serious penalties on you. These penalties may include:

  • Revocation of your probation
  • Incarceration
  • The addition of a new probation condition

With over 30 years of criminal law experience, attorney Paul Johnson has the necessary experience to defend people charged with any sort of probation violation, including those related to:

  • Failing a drug or alcohol test
  • Failing to remain law-abiding
  • Not keeping in contact with probation
  • Failing to pay restitution, a fine, or court fee
  • Not completing community service

If you face a probation violation charge, contact the Law Offices of Paul Johnson for a free initial consultation. Highly skilled criminal defense lawyer, Paul Johnson, defends people against these allegations throughout Texas, specifically in the counties of Dallas, Denton, Collin, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Rockwall, Tarrant and many others.

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